6 Masterful Ways to Stop Caring About What People Think

Jack Krier
4 min readApr 4, 2022

How to ignore negative external influences

Photo by Ayo Ogunseinde on Unsplash

Social pressure is a constant thorn in our flesh.

We want to launch that next project but worry about our social circle’s opinions. In that same vein, we try to build new habits but struggle to convince our peers.

In simple terms, we care about what other people think. And this concentration on external factors prevents us from taking our lives to the next level.

That’s why we need a healthy ignorance of other people’s opinions.

Of course, we can’t block out legitimate doubts and constructive criticism, but we need to avoid a situation where these external influences create paralysis.

On this basis, here are six masterful ways to stop caring about what people think.

Committing to goals and plans

The first step toward becoming less reliant on other people’s opinions is to have clear-cut goals in life.

When we trundle through our careers and personal lives without well-defined roadmaps, we become more prone to external pressure.

If you are, for example, stuck in a dead-end job without serious growth prospects, you start to become jealous of other people’s lives.



Jack Krier
Jack Krier

Written by Jack Krier

Writer. Photographer. Nomad. I write about entrepreneurship, remote work, and personal growth | All of my links: https://linktr.ee/jackroaming

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