6 Effective Ways to Conquer Your Fears

How to move beyond your doubts and anxieties

Jack Krier


Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

Fear is a natural part of life.

It is, however, also one of the most limiting forces we face.

In other words, fear is a primary reason why we do not accomplish our goals.

Ask yourself: how often did you reject an idea in your head because you were afraid of trying something new?

You wanted to start that side hustle but didn’t because it might fail. You don’t approach your crush because you’re afraid of possible rejection. And you don’t go on that adventure because you’ve never traveled solo before.

In simple terms, most fears stem from limiting beliefs. We don’t believe we can do something, so we don’t try.

That’s where the following methods come into play. By getting to the bottom of our anxieties, accepting the inevitability of failure, and adopting a growth mindset, we can move beyond our fears.

On this basis, here are six effective ways to conquer your fears.

Identify the roots of your anxiety

Conquering your fears has a lot to do with psychology, but there is a practical aspect as well. And that practical element is all about identifying the roots of…



Jack Krier

Writer. Photographer. Nomad. I write about entrepreneurship, remote work, and personal growth | All of my links: https://linktr.ee/jackroaming